Working in Partnership with Parents

Blog, Working In Partnership With Parents

Useful information

It's Tough

It can be tough being a parent and carers of little ones, especially as their grow and develop in the first few years of their lives. The goal-posts are forever changing and establishing a routine that works for everyone can be challenging. Many parents can feel on their own when it comes to having an insight into their young child, especially if they are a working parent. But this is where caregivers can be the missing link, providing parents with the insight they need to support their child in their growing years.

As a childcare provider, your role is essential in supporting and nurturing children in your care towards their healthy development. A large part of your role is to provide the Early Years Foundation Stage to young children. But the other part of your role, which is just as essential, is building a positive relationship with parents.

Building a strong relationship with parents is key to success as you provide essential support and information about their children. And communication is key.

Communicating effectively with parents goes above and beyond the hurried Hello and Goodbye at the start and end of the day. Taking the time to have a meaningful conversation with parents about their child’s progress can help to both reassure and support parents in their own parenting. For example, giving parents insights into their child’s sleep patterns or shifts can help them adapt to their child’s needs as they grow.

Involving parents from the outset: from induction, settling in and transitions helps to build trust and reassurance. Taking the time to chat with parents or fill them in on their child’s day can also help parents feel included too.

You might have to be flexible in your approach concerning your communication with parents as no two parents, or parenting methods are the same. You also might have to think about parents whose first language isn’t English or who might have impaired vision. How can you provide them with the necessary information in a way that is accessible to them? You might be thinking that with everything else you have to do, you just haven’t got the time.

Thankfully, we’ve got you covered with the latest technology of the Kids Covered App. With its recording and tracking capability, you can offer parents valuable insights into meals, toilet habits and sleep patterns to help smooth the transition from childcare to parent care. That way you can spend your time getting to know parents whilst still giving them the information they need through the app.

Sign up today and become an early adopter of the affordable and revolutionary Kids Covered App and begin building strong relationships with parents today.